About Me

@horse_ebooks this is going to fascinate and astonish you

Wassup, I’m Steph, and I like hockey, a man in a suit, watching entire TV seasons in one day, and Britpop bands.

Quick disclaimer: Sarcasm doesn’t always translate well over the Internet, so I’m sorry if I offend anyone. You’ve been warned.

I like gifs and @horse_ebooks a lot.

danrad deal with it


Someone should take Photoshop away from me.

The name of the blog is generic, but meaningful: I’ve been a Stars fan since the day I was born and I will follow them until the day I die. I’m a Stars fan for life. Cool? Cool.

I love meeting my fellow hockey fans, so don’t be afraid to comment or anything. I won’t bite your head off if I disagree or whatevs. I don’t hate the fan, I hate the team. You’re a hockey fan? Great! U are friend.

If you want to follow my dumb tweets: http://twitter.com/randomchapstick

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, ideas etc., email me: dallasstars4life@yahoo.com.

If you want to know anymore, just ask.

My favorite team. Ever. :)

like I said, someone should take Photoshop away from me

like I said, someone should take Photoshop away from me

what how did that get in there

what how did that get in there

One response to “About Me

  1. Totally awesome!
    Loui Eriksson is the best Star and I love hockey!!! Go Benn…… hes the fake master. Word of advice Avalanche, don’t pick a fight with Brendan Morrow.

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